Features of a Civilisation Indus Valley Civilisation and Srivijayan Empire

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Features of a Civilisation Indus Valley Civilisation and Srivijayan Empire by Mind Map: Features of a Civilisation Indus Valley Civilisation and Srivijayan Empire

1. Strong Government

1.1. Indus Valley

1.1.1. well planned , with a complicated drainage system

1.2. Srivijayan

1.2.1. control the Straits of Melaka , as well as the Sunda Straits , and so almost all trade passing from India to China had to go through waters which they controlled

2. Shared Culture

2.1. Indus Valley

2.1.1. similar shapes and decorations

2.2. Srivijayan

2.2.1. many beautiful temples and religious text

3. Srivijaya

3.1. strong army and navy

4. Cities

4.1. Indus Valley

4.1.1. Lothal , Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa

4.2. Srivijayan

4.2.1. Palembang , Jambi , Kedah and Kalapa

5. Writing

5.1. Indus Valley

5.1.1. seals with writing on them

5.2. Srivijayan

5.2.1. large collection of Buddhist texts