VNG IT Services Cost

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VNG IT Services Cost by Mind Map: VNG IT Services Cost

1. Services

1.1. Working Tools

1.1.1. IT Software Corp BU

1.1.2. IT Equipment

1.1.3. IT Allowance

1.2. Infrastructure

1.2.1. Internet Bandwidth

1.2.2. Office Network Access

1.2.3. Remote Access

1.2.4. Printing Service

1.2.5. Meeting Service

1.2.6. Building Management Network

1.2.7. Office Phone

1.2.8. Data Storage and Sharing

1.3. Operation Platforms

1.3.1. Project Management

1.3.2. Data Visualization

1.3.3. ERP

1.3.4. Game Development

1.3.5. eSignature

1.3.6. Asset Management

1.3.7. Service Manangement

1.3.8. Expense Management

1.3.9. Odoo HRMS

1.4. Security

1.4.1. Network Security

1.4.2. Endpoint Security

1.4.3. Account Security

1.5. Support

1.5.1. IT Helpdesk