Comienza Ya. Es Gratis
ó regístrate con tu dirección de correo electrónico
Curve por Mind Map: Curve

1. Line

2. Half a circle

3. Shape

4. Empty

4.1. Blank

4.2. Colorless

4.3. Unfeeling

4.4. Cold

4.5. Harsh

4.6. Pale

5. Dark

5.1. Mysterious

6. Connecting

6.1. Bringing things together

6.2. Making things easier

6.3. Make things neater

6.3.1. Easier to read

7. Elegant

7.1. Different every cure

8. 3 Dimentional

8.1. Artistic

9. Baseball

9.1. Playing with dad

9.1.1. Quldisack playing with Margret

9.2. Karina learning to play

9.3. my first mitt

9.4. playing street ball

10. Softball

10.1. first softball mitt

10.1.1. first big game away game at school lost mitt :(

10.2. playing with dad

10.3. playing with Karina

10.4. playing on the team

10.5. playing at SAS