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The Creature by Mind Map: The Creature

1. Learner

1.1. Learns relationships between people

1.1.1. gets jealous

1.2. Learns to speak french

1.3. excited to learn

2. Nice Guy

2.1. Saves kid from water

2.2. wants to find a person (love)

3. Bad Guy

3.1. Burns down Felix's old house

3.2. tires to kidnap and then kills william

3.3. puts the photo from william into justines pocket blaming her for the murder

3.4. seeking revenge on Frankenstein (which I understand)

4. Becoming bad

4.1. becomes bad after trying to become friends with the blind dad

4.2. saves the kid from the water but is shot

4.3. tries to go up to people but they retreat in fear