Input Devices - Output Devices Input is to convert incoming data and information into electric...

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Input Devices - Output Devices Input is to convert incoming data and information into electrical signals that follow a binary code to a computer and then an output device takes that and rewinds translating the signals into what is being requested of it for the specific user. by Mind Map: Input Devices -  Output Devices   Input is to convert incoming data and information into electrical signals that follow a binary code to a computer and then an output device takes that and rewinds translating the signals into what is being requested of it for the specific user.

1. Monitor

1.1. How a monitor is useful for learning

1.2. Also referred to as video display terminal (VDT) and video display unit (VDU)

1.3. A tool that allows for what information we input in to show us-display

1.4. They can be large to be used as whiteboards in teaching entire classrooms/ meetings providing learning for larger groups of people all at the same time

2. Printer

2.1. How a printer is important in learning

2.2. It is an external hardware that allows for what we input into the computer to be generated into a hard copy

2.3. There are 7 types of printers: All-in-one (AIO), Dot Matrix, Laser, Multifunction, Thermal, LED

2.4. Printing is used on a regular basis for worksheets, printed tests, storyboards, projects, written speeches to share with the class, calenders to remind of important dates and assignments, and the list is endless

3. Keyboard

3.1. How is a keyboard incorporated in the classroom

3.2. method of inputting information into computer

3.3. Provides a way to use numbers, letter, symbols to create information

3.4. Provide different functions keys to be used for different uses

3.4.1. Tab key for quick spacing

3.4.2. F1-F12 Function Keys to help with quicker use exp. F7 is to spell check and grammar check

3.4.3. Ctlr + Shift+F12 Prints a Microsoft Document

4. Mouse

4.1. How is a mouse an input device to be used in learning?

4.2. It allows for human movement to cause the electronic signal to send a message to the computer by moving the mouse with our hand

4.3. Invented by Douglas Engelbart in 1963 and called the X-Y Position Indicator as a graphical user interface. (Computer Hope, 2013)

4.4. users do not need to memorize commands to input information like MS-DOS, but rather the movement and click of the mouse is programmed to make the "moves" wanted

4.5. There are 12 different types of a computer mice- cordless, footmouse, glidepoint, intelimouse, trackpoint, wheel mouse, j mouse, joystick, mechanical, optical , touchpad, trackball (Computer Hope, 2013)