Validity and Reliability

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Validity and Reliability by Mind Map: Validity and Reliability

1. Validity

1.1. A test has validity if we can demonstrate that it measures what it says it measure.

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3. Content Validity

4. Construct Validity

5. Criterion-Related Validity Evidence

6. Concurrent Criterion-Related Validity Evidence

7. Predictive Validity Evidence

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9. Reliability

9.1. The extent to which the instrument yields the sane results or repeated trials. Although unreliability is always present.

9.2. Test- Retest

9.2.1. INS to insert (Windows)

9.2.2. One of the best ways to determine the reliability of empirical measurement.

9.2.3. Internal Consistency-If the test in question is designed to measure a single basic concept(

9.2.4. Alternate Forms or Equivalence-used to obtain an estimate of the reliability of the scores from the test.

9.3. Split-Half Methods-a single test used to make two shorter alternative forms.

9.4. Find out more?

9.4.1. Kuder-Richardson Methods-this method measure the extent to which one form of the test have as much in common with one another as do the items in that one form with corresponding items in an equivalent form

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10. Test-Retest or Stability

11. Kuder Richardson Method

12. Split-Half Method

13. Internal Consistency

14. Alternative Forms or Equivalence