September Writing Homework: Have you ever become friends with someone who wasn't your friend at ...

Organize and structure your thoughts to write an essay

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September Writing Homework: Have you ever become friends with someone who wasn't your friend at first? What happened? How did you become friends? by Mind Map: September Writing Homework:  Have you ever become friends with someone who wasn't your friend at first? What happened? How did you become friends?

1. Brainstorm Ideas: Write some thoughts you have about what you will write.

1.1. Who is this friend?

1.2. When did this happen?

1.3. How did you meet?

2. First Draft

2.1. Attach a Word document of your first draft here.

3. Edits

3.1. Read your first draft and make any edits that you find. Have an adult read your first draft and make edits to your writing.

4. Administration

4.1. Deadlines

4.1.1. Brainstorm Ideas due by 9/13/13

4.1.2. First Draft is due by 9/20/13

4.1.3. Edits are due by 9/27/13

4.1.4. Final Draft is due on 10/4/13

5. Final Draft

5.1. Attach a Word document with your final draft here.