Erin Ferguson

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Erin Ferguson by Mind Map: Erin Ferguson

1. Get good grades

2. Responsible

2.1. Be mature

3. Be social

3.1. Make new friends

4. Be open-minded

5. Study

5.1. A lot

6. Gain knowledge

6.1. Study completely new subject

7. Challenge yourself

8. Explore

8.1. Find out what your passionate for

9. Procrastinate

9.1. Do not do that

10. Priorities

11. Family

11.1. Always stay in touch

12. Don't lose focus at the end of the semester


13. Give 100% effort

13.1. Focus

13.1.1. Study

14. Get involved

14.1. Join clubs

15. Study Abroad

15.1. Go to Europe

16. Take risks

16.1. Do something you wouldn't normally do

17. Gain leadership skill

17.1. Volunteer

18. Enjoy yourself

18.1. Don't take life too seriously

19. Set goals

19.1. Achieve those goals

20. Attend class

20.1. Be on your A game

21. Don't be shy

21.1. Ask questions when necessary

22. Get help