Validity and Reliability

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Validity and Reliability by Mind Map: Validity and Reliability

1. The testing techniques validity and reliability are educators objective to properly asses the students problems areas versus their areas of expertise

2. Through these testing methods an administrator or educator could properly measure a students academic progress or testing competence

3. Both, validity and reliability are tools used to asses the construction and objectives of academic testing or test

4. Validity and Reliability

5. For a test to be successful it must implement validity, reliability, and accuracy

6. Reliability measures consistency over repeated administrations

7. These tools are imperative for the student to be successful at test taking

8. Validity is responsible for the evidence, score, and reliability of a test(s)

9. "There are two types of criterion-related validity evidence: concurrent and predictive." (Kubiszyn 336)

9.1. "Concurrent validity evidence is determined by correlating test scores with a criterion

9.2. Concurrent validity is evidence

9.3. (Kubiszyn 336)

10. Predictive validity provides measurement of scores and progress after a period of time

11. Validity and reliability are tools that are used to measure a test's usefulness

12. Reliability yields the same or similar score rankings (all other factors being equal consistently)

13. Reliability is versed in measuring the same test results regardless of the tester

14. The tools are implemented to boost students test scores and techniques by identifying the main objectives needing to be taught as well as the weak or problem areas of the test

15. Validity measures the academic progress at one time

16. Reliability measures the academic progress after a period of time

17. Validity provokes higher testing and learning through performance based skill testing

18. Validity provides higher understanding and competence of the subjects that are being taught throughout the school year

19. Concurrent validity evidence is conducting and measuring scores and progress at one time