Collectively explore solution

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Collectively explore solution by Mind Map: Collectively explore solution

1. Action Points

1.1. Specify two user requirements for each module

2. Prioritize Ideas

2.1. High Priority

2.2. Medium Priority

2.3. Low Priority

3. Plan

3.1. Goals

3.1.1. Better understanding of the business needs

3.1.2. Provide flexible solutions as result a collaborative work.

4. Why?

4.1. Specification document are time-consuming to write and tedious to read.

4.2. Assume everything is known in advance.

4.3. Don’t lend themselves to iterative, incremental delivery process

5. How?

5.1. User story

5.1.1. INVEST In Good User stories

5.1.2. Acceptance Criteria Given, When and Then

5.1.3. Advantages Focus the work on the value defined by the user Provides the common language

5.2. Wireframes

5.2.1. Serves as visual map for stakeholders

5.2.2. Depicts individual screens and the flows between the screens.

5.2.3. This diagram helps confirm that everyone has the same understanding of the product

5.3. User Stories Facilitate Conversation

5.3.1. Card, Conversation, and Confirmation