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treaty of versailles GCSE создатель Mind Map: treaty of versailles GCSE

1. The Rhineland

1.1. Clemenceau's demands that this territory become an independent state were ignored. It was merely de-militarised.

2. the Saar Basin

2.1. This new country came into existence after the collapse of Austro-Hungary in the Treaty of St Germain. According to Versailles, Germany could never form a political union with it.

3. East Prussia and the Polish Corridor

3.1. This territory was granted to Poland so that this new state would have access to the sea. It split Germany in two.

4. Austria

4.1. Clemenceau and Wilson's demands that this territory be returned to France were met.

5. main terms of the treaty involving the army

5.1. armed forces were slashed with the army to 100,000

5.2. conscription was banned

5.3. they only had a navy consisting of no submarines and 6 battleships

5.4. the rhineland had become demilitirised

6. main terms of the treaty involving german land

6.1. Alsace-Lorraine was given back to France

6.2. West Prussia, Posen and Upper silesia were given to Poland

6.3. Danzig became a free-port administered by the League of Nations (this gave Poland a port they could use for external trade)

6.4. North Schleswig was to be given to Denmark (after a plebiscite)

6.5. The Saar Basin was to be run by the League of Nations for 15 years. A plebiscite would then decide whether it should become part of France, Germany or remain under League control.

6.6. Germany’s overseas empire was taken away and became mandates run by the League of Nations (in reality run by Britain and France):

6.7. German East Africa was given to Britain

6.8. German South West Africa was given to South Africa

6.9. Togoland and Cameroon were run by Britain and France

7. League of nations established

7.1. The League of Nations was a newly set up peace keeping organisation. Germany had to accept its authority even though Germany wasn’t initially allowed to be a member.

8. Eternal separation between Germany and Austria

8.1. Union between Germany and Austria was known as Anschluss. This seemed unfair because German was the most common language in both of these countries. Other new countries were coming into existence on the basis of a common language such as Poland.

9. Alsace-Lorraine

9.1. Clemenceau's demands that this territory be permanently transferred to France were ignored. However, France did get the profits from its coal mines for a 15 year period.