Subscription (Admin)

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Subscription (Admin) af Mind Map: Subscription (Admin)

1. Dates

1.1. Effective Date

1.2. Expiry Date

1.2.1. Based on this date we remove the renewal as well from the user indicating this subscription is no longer available

2. Discount Type

2.1. Percentage Based

2.2. Fix Price

3. Subscription Tiers

3.1. Silver

3.2. Bronze

3.3. Gold

4. Price Catalog

4.1. Module --> Feature --> Price

5. Subscription Type

5.1. One Time

5.1.1. For a Month

5.1.2. For Quarter

5.1.3. For a Year

5.2. Recurring

5.2.1. Monthly

5.2.2. Quarterly

5.2.3. Yearly

6. Subscription Includes

6.1. Diabetes

6.1.1. Access to Graph %age Discount

6.2. DAWAK

6.2.1. CGM Device Qty Delivery Cycle

6.3. VCP

6.3.1. Teleconsultation Specialty Qty

6.3.2. Lab Test Test Panels Only Panels to be built inside PURA until EMR is there

6.4. Pregnacare

6.4.1. ABC Feature

6.5. Daman

6.5.1. ABC Feature

6.6. Fitness and Wellness

6.6.1. Get Fitcoins

7. Payments

7.1. Fitcoins Redemption

7.2. Pay by Card

8. Business Rules to Show Subscriptions

9. Demographics (Business Rules)

9.1. User Groups

9.2. Age Group

9.3. Gender

9.4. Emirate