IMG Residency Application

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IMG Residency Application by Mind Map: IMG Residency Application

1. Wellbeing

2. Plan B (If no Match)

3. Interview

4. Personal Statement

4.1. Complementar el CV

4.1.1. Skills

4.2. Estructura

4.2.1. Primer parrafo Porque medicina

4.2.2. Segundo parrafo Historia o experiencia que has tenido en medicina que muestra tus values y tus skills

4.2.3. Tercer parrafo Porque medicine interna

4.2.4. Cuarto parrafo Porque esta residencia o este programa

5. Lived Experiences / Background

5.1. Immigration status

5.2. Diversity

5.3. Mission Fit

6. Academic Performance

6.1. Medical School

6.1.1. Performance

6.1.2. Year of completion

6.2. USMLE Boards

6.2.1. Step 1

6.2.2. Step 2ck

6.2.3. Step 3

6.3. Additional education

6.3.1. MPH?

6.3.2. PhD?

7. Clinical experience

7.1. Observerships

7.2. Externships

7.3. La Rural

8. Extracurricular

8.1. Awards

8.2. Volunteer / Community service

8.3. Research

8.3.1. Publications

8.3.2. Presentations

8.4. Teaching

8.5. Leadership roles

8.6. Advocacy

8.7. Quality Improvement

9. Letters of Recommendations