7 Aspects of Civilization

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7 Aspects of Civilization by Mind Map: 7 Aspects of Civilization

1. Government and Leaders

1.1. Nile

1.1.1. Pharaohs

1.1.2. Pharaoh means house

1.1.3. Pharaohs were sometimes thought of to be gods

1.1.4. Theocracy

1.2. Indus Valley

1.2.1. Small castes government

1.2.2. 2000 B.C. New people took India

1.2.3. Aryans

1.2.4. Vedic Peroid

2. Arts and Education

2.1. Nile

2.1.1. Few Egyptian child were able to go to school.

2.1.2. Boys learned certain trades, Girls learned how to raise children and run a household

2.1.3. Paintings were detailed and colorful showing storyes usauly

2.1.4. Statues were often very large and imposing.

2.2. Indus Valley

2.2.1. Education was handed done through generations

2.2.2. Alot of art dipicts animals

2.2.3. Witing is often found alongside or in the art

2.2.4. Very primitive art style

3. Religion

3.1. Indus Valley

3.1.1. Hymns and Praise

3.1.2. Prayed to many aspects of a single eternal spirit

3.1.3. Fire Sacrifices

3.1.4. Became Complex

3.2. Nile

3.2.1. Polytheism

3.2.2. Gods controlled nature

3.2.3. Gods were changing

3.2.4. Believed in afterlife

4. Science and Technology

4.1. Nile

4.1.1. They had advanced medication.

4.1.2. Had a very good understanding of engineering.

4.1.3. Made bricks out of mud.

4.1.4. Had technology like rampes.

4.2. Indus Valley

4.2.1. Had organized cities.

4.2.2. Had stone tools to help with their work.

4.2.3. Had carts pulled by bulls.

4.2.4. Used a barbed line to catch fish.

5. Geography and Agriculture

5.1. Nile

5.1.1. Longest river in the world at 4,000 miles

5.1.2. Predictable floods

5.1.3. Desert everywhere around

5.1.4. No life could be sustained there without the river

5.2. Indus Valley

5.2.1. Northwest edge of the Indian Subcontinet

5.2.2. Floods make soil fertile

5.2.3. Depended on monsoons to bring rain

5.2.4. Runs from Himalayas to the Arabian Sea

6. Social Structure And Family

6.1. Indus Valley

6.1.1. Uniform Society without city-states

6.1.2. There were 4 classes of Ayran people which were called Varna

6.1.3. Brahmins - Highest ranked Varnas that were Priests and Teachers

6.1.4. Kshatriyas - Warriors and Rulers Vaisyas - Common people. Farmers, etc.Sudras - servants and peasants

6.2. Nile

6.2.1. Egytian society was highly layered or stratified.

6.2.2. The Pharaoh and the royal family followed closly by the wealthiest people. Doctors, military leaders etc.. Then people who made or sold goods.

6.2.3. 90% of the population was made up of peasent farmers

6.2.4. Most Egyotians lived as family units were the father was the head of the household. Women had more rights then most other ancient civilizations

7. Economy and Trade

7.1. Indus valley

7.1.1. The economy was dependent on agriculture.

7.1.2. These people traded all over the place.

7.1.3. Used rivers for economy advantage.

7.1.4. A lot of the farmers crops went to public granaries.

7.2. Nile

7.2.1. The government had most of the wealth.

7.2.2. Farmed along the mile.

7.2.3. The civilization had a lot of money.

7.2.4. Conquered civilizations to make money.