7 Aspects of Civilization

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7 Aspects of Civilization by Mind Map: 7 Aspects of Civilization

1. Social Structures & Family Life

1.1. Indus Valley

1.1.1. Single society, Varnas ,Brahmins -highest ranking. Kishariyar - warriors and rulers Vaisyas common people A family in the Indus valley family would have been a framing family

1.2. Nile

2. Economy & Trade

2.1. Indus Valley

2.1.1. Focused on agriculture and trade

2.1.2. Traded goods to people nearby and far away

2.2. Nile

3. Geography & Agriculture

3.1. Indus Valley

3.1.1. Geography The HImalayas, hindukush Deccan Plateau , North plains were all surrounding the Indus valley .

3.1.2. Farming they farmed wheat and barley. Melons were also grown.

3.2. Nile

4. Arts & Education

4.1. Indus Valley

4.1.1. Created pottery

4.1.2. Created metal works

4.1.3. Writing system

4.1.4. Created jewelry

4.2. Nile

4.2.1. potery

4.2.2. statues

5. Science & Technology

5.1. Indus Valley

5.1.1. Community wells

5.1.2. Public drainage system

5.1.3. Well planned streets

5.1.4. Walled citadel enclosed granaries, warehouses & meeting halls

5.2. Nile

5.2.1. the river is 4000 miles long of good transportation

5.2.2. horse drawn chariot

5.2.3. bronze armor

5.2.4. strong bow or spear

6. Goverment & Leaders

6.1. Indus Valley

6.1.1. Government leaders were normally Kishariyas- which include rulers ad warriors. Priest also had a higher say in the Government

6.2. Nile