Analysis of any story

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Analysis of any story by Mind Map: Analysis of any story

1. Plot

1.1. Foreshadowing

1.2. Suspense

1.3. Conflict

1.4. Rising action

1.5. Crisis

1.6. Resolution

2. Symbolism

3. Imagery

4. Language

5. Point of view

5.1. Narrator

5.1.1. The person telling the story

5.1.2. May or may not be in it

5.2. All-seeing narrator

5.2.1. May be more than one person

5.2.2. Referred to as 'omniscient'

5.3. First person

5.3.1. I...

5.4. Second person

5.4.1. You...

5.5. Third person

5.5.1. He/she

6. Relationships

6.1. Problem 1

6.2. Problem 2

7. Setting

7.1. Place

7.1.1. City/country

7.1.2. Inside/outside

7.2. Social context

7.3. Time period