Confidence Mastery / law of attraction /Motivation/Manifestation

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Confidence Mastery / law of attraction /Motivation/Manifestation создатель Mind Map: Confidence Mastery / law of attraction /Motivation/Manifestation

1. Project Review

1.1. Summary of Project

1.2. Timeline:

1.3. Budget:

1.4. Resources:

2. Customer Avatar

2.1. location

2.1.1. All over Nepal

2.2. Age

2.2.1. 18 to 55 special focs 35+

2.3. marital status

2.3.1. both

2.3.2. mainly married

2.4. Gender

2.4.1. both

2.5. income Level

2.5.1. specially high profile

2.5.2. little focus middle level

2.6. pain points

2.6.1. career struggle

2.6.2. fear to work in any field

2.6.3. depression

2.6.4. divorce

2.6.5. lack of self- confidence

2.6.6. high stress

2.7. Goals in Life

2.7.1. Professional Development

2.7.2. Good Communication Skill

2.7.3. Good Public Speeking

2.7.4. Personal Development

2.7.5. Life-long learning

2.7.6. Happy Family

2.7.7. good relationship

2.7.8. Financial Freedom

2.7.9. Health and Wellness

3. What can we improve?

3.1. content marketing

3.1.1. text / videos/blog

3.2. Email marketing

3.3. Lead Generation from landing page and Paid advertising

3.4. socal media marketing

3.4.1. fb, insta ,linkden, yt,

3.5. expand personal brand

3.6. expand business

3.7. website use