PBL 5 session 1

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PBL 5 session 1 by Mind Map: PBL 5 session 1

1. Step 4

1.1. Hypothesis organization (tentative solution)

1.2. brain tumer

1.3. migraine

1.4. we should exclode stroke

1.5. demylenated dieases

1.5.1. can it be ????

1.6. 20 minutes

2. Step 1

2.1. Identify terms and cues

2.2. New terms

2.2.1. unwinding realeving stress

2.2.2. violin

2.2.3. zig-zag visual pattern

2.3. cues

2.3.1. 40 YO femal

2.3.2. school teacher

2.3.3. plays violin

2.3.4. last 2 weeks she experiance weekness and tingling in her left arm and hand ( on several occasions)

2.3.5. worried she might have brain tumer

2.3.6. she have headache

2.3.7. lost in a familiar mall

2.3.8. couldnt find her violin

2.3.9. disorientation

2.3.10. difficulty reading musical score

2.3.11. zig-zag visual pattern

2.4. 10 minutes

3. Step 5

3.1. Formulate learning objectives

3.2. headache

3.2.1. types migraine

3.2.2. pathophysiology

3.2.3. etiology

3.2.4. clinical presentation

3.3. aura

3.3.1. types

3.3.2. why does it happen

3.4. 10 minutes

4. Step 2

4.1. Problem formulation (put it in a senates)

4.2. 40 YO female complaining of headache and left arm and hand tingling and weakness started two weeks ago. also she is complaining of disorientation, zig-zag visual pattern, and stress

4.3. 10 minutes

5. Step 3

5.1. Hypothesis generation (brainstorming)

5.2. headache

5.2.1. increase in ICP CSF BP

5.2.2. * Brain is not sensative to pain

5.2.3. MIGRANE CAN ressemblee stroke causing both

5.2.4. having stress can cause headache

5.2.5. there are a lot of types depend on the cause


5.3. arm and hands weakness and tingling

5.3.1. injury to the central part of the head or cervical area .

5.3.2. focal epilepsy

5.3.3. TIA

5.3.4. demylenation abnormality

5.3.5. unilateral

5.4. disorientation

5.4.1. sever pain can cause disorientation

5.4.2. something affecting brain stem

5.4.3. problem related to memory

5.4.4. problem with concentration

5.5. zig-zag visual pattern

5.5.1. optic nerve problime

5.5.2. problime in vasculatior of the eye

5.5.3. interpretation problem

5.5.4. AURA can presede migraine

5.6. 40 minutes