1. Appeasment
1.1. Britan and France adopted harsher consequences for Germany - Hitler began demanding the return of territories in Poland, Britain formed an Anglo-Polish alliiance which ganrenteed Poland's security.
1.1.1. Germany invaded Poland - Septemeber 1939 Britain and France declared war on Germany
1.2. Memory of WW1
1.2.1. Sympathy Lack of preparation Lack of Allies
2. The Treaty of Versailles
2.1. Formal document ending a war
2.2. 7 Main Articles
2.2.1. War Guilt Clause: Germany had to accept full responsibility for starting WW1
2.2.2. Germany had to pay $750 billion in reparations to cover war damages and losses of the Allies
2.2.3. Germany had to hand over 70,000 square kilometres of land
2.2.4. Germany would have its colonies taken away and run by the Allies on behalf of the League of Nations
2.2.5. German army was limited to 100,000 men, 15, 000 sailors and was to have no air force or submarines
2.2.6. The German navy could only have 6 battleships and could not buy any more weapons
2.2.7. An Allied army was to occupy the Rhineland for 15 years
2.3. Signed in June 1919 at the Paris Peace Conference which imposed a series of harsh terms on Germany
2.4. Blame placed on germany
2.4.1. Germans were sad felt the blame was unfair Caused instability the germans didnt like the governments choice to agree to the treaty of versialles
3. Japanese Imperialism and Agression
3.1. When the Anglo-Japanese Treaty ended in 1923, the US started to exclude Japanese (and other) immigrants from its shores which angered Japan
3.2. Japan wanted to extend their empire due to financial hardship, overpopulation and lack of raw resources
3.3. Japan was disappointed with the outcomes of the Paris Peace Conference, in particular, the rejection of including a racial equality clause and limitations being placed on their territorial gains.
3.4. Japan withdrew from the League of Nations in 1933
3.5. Imperialism: a policy of extending a country's power and influence through colonisation, use of military force or other means
3.5.1. Japan wanted to extend their empire due to financial hardship, overpopulation and lack of raw resources.
4. Adolf Hitler
4.1. Nazi ideology
4.1.1. antisemitism