Assignment 1 Digital Folder Plan

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Assignment 1 Digital Folder Plan by Mind Map: Assignment 1 Digital Folder Plan

1. High Tech High Video

1.1. Culture of the school, architecture influences this

1.2. "Rigor is being in the company of passionate adult who is rigorously pursuing inquiry in the area of their subject matter and is inviting students along as peers n that adult discourse. That is rigor."

1.3. “The most important foundational element is the culture of the school.” ~ Allan A. Glatthorn (1992)

2. Principal

2.1. Principal talk

2.2. Represents views, beliefs and values of the school

3. Culturally responsive teaching

3.1. “Culturally Responsive Teaching is a pedagogy that recognizes the importance of including students' cultural references in all aspects of learning” ~ Ladson-Billings,1994)

4. Demographic imperative

4.1. “The argument for the demographic imperative usually includes statistics about the increasingly diverse student population, the still relatively homogeneous teaching force, and the “demographic divide”. (Gay and Howard, 2000, p.1)

4.2. demographic divide= marked disparities in education opportunities, resources and achievement among student groups who differ from one another racially, culturally and socioeconomically

4.3. “Different cultural groups have different ways of making meaning.” ~ Jerome C. Harste

5. Poverty and Learning

5.1. Educational Opportunities for Students

5.1.1. The ways schools are organized for Instruction

5.1.2. What curriculum they offer to whom

5.1.3. What teachers are assigned to which students

5.1.4. How families are involved

5.1.5. Whether and how teachers collaborate

6. Action on Inclusion (Peter's story)

6.1. become a self-advocate

6.1.1. speak out, express yourself, understand unique learning needs, do not feel embarrassed to express your special needs

7. Learning to change- Changing to learn

7.1. "Students learn what they care about, from people they care about and who, they know, care about them.” ~ Barbara Harrell Carson

7.2. "The death of education but the dawn of learning."

7.3. New way of learning

7.3.1. working in teams

7.3.2. multilingual

7.3.3. know how to find, validate, communicate and collaborate information

8. Three legged stool of learning

8.1. Relevant

8.2. Rigorous

8.3. Relationship

8.3.1. Most memorable teachers are associated with their personality, relationship they have with students rather than those that know the most.

9. Learning to cope ritual

9.1. Ron Clarke taught students in ways they would learn life lessons in class

10. School Culture

10.1. Architechture

10.1.1. how the school is organized, decorated influences and is a reflection of how a teacher teaches

10.1.2. “They [school architecture] suggest something about the role of education, and their structure reflects a particular cultural orientation.” ~ Stolp & Smith (1995) “They [school architecture] suggest something about the role of education, and their structure reflects a particular cultural orientation.” ~ Stolp & Smith (1995)

10.2. Collective influences

10.2.1. “Some important elements of culture, according to Geertz, are the norms, values, beliefs, traditions, rituals, ceremonies, and myths translated by a particular group of people. ~ Stolp & Smith, p. 13 (1995)

11. Teaching diverse learners

11.1. need to consider aspects of diversity

11.1.1. culture

11.1.2. racial/ethnic origins

11.1.3. language

11.1.4. economic status

11.1.5. learning challenges

12. UDL (universal design of learning)

12.1. flexible

12.2. getting rid of barriers

12.3. each child every day, no exceptions

12.4. kids choose how to best express what they know (through technology)

12.5. let kids use their skills, or talents as an asset rather than a deficit

12.6. content, process, product

13. What should good teaching and learning look like?

13.1. Other ways of teaching

13.1.1. boat based teaching in floor prone areas 'With roads impassable during the monsoon, students cannot go to school. If the children cannot come to the school for lack of transportation, then the school should come to them.” "Shidhulai realized that the rivers do not have to be barriers to information, they can be communication channels."

13.1.2. mobile classrooms

13.2. traits of a teacher

13.2.1. approachable

13.2.2. interactive

13.2.3. engaging