Title of the Book "Ms. Nelson is Missing"

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Title of the Book "Ms. Nelson is Missing" by Mind Map: Title of the Book "Ms. Nelson is Missing"

1. Guide

1.1. Filler Posts

1.1.1. Interview

1.1.2. How-to Guide

1.1.3. Contest

1.1.4. Guest Post

1.2. Big Value Posts

1.2.1. Numbered Lists

1.2.2. Resource Compilation

1.2.3. Serialized Articles

1.2.4. Product Review/Comparison

1.3. Social Media

1.3.1. Image

1.3.2. Graphic

1.3.3. Video

1.3.4. Gif

2. Main Characters

2.1. Ms. Nelson

2.2. Ms. Viola Swamp

2.3. The students

3. Setting

3.1. Classroom

3.2. School

4. Plot

4.1. Beginning: Ms. Nelson teaches the class. Happy Students.

4.2. Middle: Ms. Nelson disappears, Ms. Viola Swamp appears. Unhappy.

4.3. End: Ms. Nelson returns. Happy Again.

5. Favorite Part

5.1. Students will draw a description of their favorite part of the book