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Python RoadMap por Mind Map: Python RoadMap

1. Modules and Packages

2. Regular Expressions

3. Decorators

4. Generators

5. Context Managers

6. Classes and Objects

7. Methods and Constructors

8. Inheritance

9. Polymorphism

10. Encapsulation and Abstraction

11. Special Methods and Operator Overloading

12. Advanced OOP Concepts

13. 1.Introduction to Python

13.1. What is Programming

13.2. Key Terms in Programming

13.3. Installing Python

13.4. Setting the Path (Windows)

13.5. Creating a Virtual Environment

13.6. Installing Jupyter Notebook

13.7. Opening Jupyter Notebook

13.8. Introduction to Python

13.8.1. How Python Was Invented

13.8.2. Evolution of Python

13.8.3. Benefits of Python Over Other Programming Languages

13.8.4. How a Python Program Execution Happens

13.8.5. Example: Simple Python Program Execution Write the Code Run the Code Compilation (Bytecode) Execution by the Interpreter Output

13.8.6. Difference Between Compiler and Interpreter

13.9. Jupyter Notebook Shortcuts

13.10. Interview questions

14. 2.Variables and Data Types

14.1. What is a Variable in Python?

14.2. Best Practices for Naming Variables

14.2.1. Use Meaningful Names

14.2.2. Follow Naming Conventions

14.2.3. Avoid Single-Letter Names

14.2.4. Consistent Naming Style

14.3. Rules

14.3.1. Allowed Characters

14.3.2. Don't Start with a Number

14.3.3. Underscore ( _ ) is the Only Allowed Special Character

14.3.4. Don't Use Keywords or Reserved Words

14.3.5. No Spaces in Variable Names

14.4. Assigning a Value to a Variable

14.5. Using Variables

14.6. Data Types in Python

14.6.1. Integer (int)

14.6.2. Float (float)

14.6.3. String (str)

14.6.4. Boolean (bool)

14.7. String manipulation methods

14.7.1. str.upper()

14.7.2. str.lower()

14.7.3. str.capitalize()

14.7.4. str.title()

14.7.5. str.strip()

14.7.6. str.lstrip()

14.7.7. str.rstrip()

14.7.8. str.replace(old, new[, count])

14.7.9. str.split([sep[, maxsplit]])

14.7.10. str.join(iterable)

14.7.11. str.find(sub[, start[, end]])

14.7.12. str.index(sub[, start[, end]])

14.7.13. str.startswith(prefix[, start[, end]])

14.7.14. str.endswith(suffix[, start[, end]])

14.7.15. str.isalpha()

14.7.16. str.isdigit()

14.7.17. str.isalnum()

14.7.18. str.isspace()

14.7.19. str.swapcase()

14.7.20. str.zfill(width)

14.8. Type Conversions

14.8.1. int() Decimal (Base 10) Binary (Base 2) Octal (Base 8 ) Hexadecimal (Base 16)

14.8.2. float()

14.8.3. str()

14.8.4. bool()

14.8.5. list()

14.8.6. tuple()

14.8.7. set()

14.8.8. dict()

15. 3.Basic Operators

15.1. 1. Arithmetic Operators

15.1.1. Addition (+)

15.1.2. Subtraction (-)

15.1.3. Multiplication (*)

15.1.4. Division ( / )

15.1.5. Floor Division ( // )

15.1.6. Modulus (%)

15.1.7. Exponentiation ( ** )

15.2. 2. Comparison Operators

15.2.1. Equal to ( == )

15.2.2. Not equal to ( != )

15.2.3. Greater than ( >)

15.2.4. Less than (<)

15.2.5. Greater than or equal to ( >=)

15.2.6. Less than or equal to ( <=)

15.3. 3. Logical Operators

15.3.1. Logical AND ( and)

15.3.2. Logical OR ( or)

15.3.3. Logical NOT ( not)

15.4. 4. Assignment Operators

15.4.1. Equal (=)

15.4.2. Add AND ( +=)

15.4.3. Subtract AND (-=)

15.4.4. Multiply AND ( *=)

15.4.5. Divide AND ( /=)

15.4.6. Floor Divide AND ( //=)

15.4.7. Exponent AND (`=`)**

16. Data Structure

16.1. 4.Strings

16.2. 5 Lists

16.3. 6 Tuples and Sets

16.4. 7.Dictionaries

17. Conditional Statments

17.1. if Statement

17.2. else Statement

17.3. elif Statement


18.1. FOR LOOP


19. LOOP CONTROL statements

19.1. Break Statement

19.2. Continue Statement

19.3. Pass Statement

20. Functions

20.1. Defining a Function

20.2. Creating Simple Functions

20.3. Calculator Functions (add, subtract)

21. Lambda Function

22. List Comprehensions

23. File Handling

24. Error and Exception Handling