1. "Art" / Writing / Fun
1.1. Dreamsome
1.1.1. Online comic book
1.2. Funny Stories, aka 'novel'
1.2.1. Golden Generation
1.2.2. Some Kind of Youth
1.2.3. Childhood i ii
1.3. Blog
1.4. Drawing
1.4.1. Afternoon
1.5. KUN avatar series
2. Software
2.1. WeakPoint
2.1.1. Static slide generator
2.1.2. Author slide using markup languages
2.2. The Vivid Schemer
2.2.1. Interactive version of "The Litter Schemer"
2.2.2. An online interpreter of Scheme language (subset)
2.3. Easylab
2.3.1. Easy batch run, query and data visualization
2.4. Grafic
2.4.1. A gimp-like painting tool
2.4.2. Both vector and bitmap mode
2.4.3. Support Multiple-layer
2.5. Asteroid
2.5.1. A spaceship shooting game
2.5.2. Allegro 5.0 library
2.6. myvfs
2.6.1. toy file system
2.7. Hazard
2.7.1. A signal-level MIPS simulator
3. Translation
3.1. Books
3.1.1. Programming Massively Parallel Processors, 2ed A Hands-on Approach (Applications of GPU Computing Series)
3.1.2. Head First C A complete learning experience for C and structured imperative programming Mindmap of this book
3.2. Essays
3.2.1. Learnable Programming How to make programming more learnable?
4. Talks
4.1. Understanding Tomasulo Algorithm
4.1.1. slide PDF Slideshare
4.1.2. 7/23/2013
4.1.3. Use a producer-consumer model to better understand Tomasulo algorithm
5. Publications
5.1. Understanding the SIMD efficiency of Graph Exploration on GPU
5.1.1. I invent a model to analyze the components of SIMD underutilization
5.1.2. ICA3PP 2014 27 Aug 2014
6. Visualized Ideas
6.1. VIsual Graph Traversal
6.1.1. Interactive and visual graph algorithms
6.2. MIPS
6.2.1. Visualizing the datapath of a single-cycle MIPS machine
6.3. CUDA Tutorial
6.3.1. An interactive tutorial that helps user think in an SPMD way
6.4. What are programs?
6.4.1. A top-down view
7. Bio / CV / Contact
7.1. Bio
7.1.1. Current status Master student (Computer Architecture) at USTC, China will graduate in 2015
7.1.2. Goal invent tools to help people understand or create stuffs
7.2. CV
7.3. Email
8.1. In science, if you know what you are doing, you should not be doing it. In engineering, if you do not know what you are doing, you should not be doing it.
8.1.1. Richard Hamming, The Art of Doing Science and Engineering (1997)
8.2. Metaphor plays an essential role in establishing links between scientific language and the world...
8.2.1. Thomas Kuhn, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
8.3. When I see a violation of this principle, I don't think of that as an opportunity...
8.3.1. Bret Victor, Inventing on Principle