How to land a remote job

By Juliana Rabbi - Career Coach for Remote Jobs - [email protected]

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How to land a remote job by Mind Map: How to land a remote job

1. 2 important areas

1.1. Tactical

1.1.1. "Getting things done" Updating resume, improving LinkedIn profile, applying for jobs, doing the interviews, networking Most of job seekers focus on this part

1.2. Strategy

1.2.1. "Having a roadmap" "Zoom out", creating a plan and the strategy to get there Most of job seekers forget about this part, or rush it

2. How to identify what area you need to improve?

2.1. Tactical

2.1.1. 1. Tried to rewrite your resume several times, but still don't feel good about it 2. Go on LinkedIn every single day, but no results (no jobs, no networking, nothing!) 3. People don't reply to your networking messages, and you keep feeling akward about it

2.2. Strategy

2.2.1. 1. Not sure about your career priorities (short term and long term) - Pick up my kids at school, travel and work, live in a different country, etc 2. Applying for jobs that clearly don't meet your needs (for example: consider an office job when you want a remote job) 3. Feels about giving up and settling dow for "any job" because landing the remote job you want feels very hard

3. Be careful with that

3.1. Myths related to landing a remote job (don't fall for them!)

3.1.1. 1. Busy is good ("I'm applying to at least 10 remote jobs per day, so it's a matter of time"). 2. Wait for the perfect moment to start (life won't pause for you to land a new job or make a career transition - I wish!) 3. The market is hard, so I must acept a lower salary (don't make this your first option, investigate what is available first)

4. What to do next?

4.1. Improve both areas (tactical and strategy) to increase the changes of landing a remote job faster

4.1.1. Join my VIP group *Special offer * Registrations open on Thursday, the 11th of June)