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Globalization por Mind Map: Globalization

1. The History of Globalization

1.1. 1.0

1.1.1. Countries

1.2. 2.0

1.2.1. Companies

1.3. 3.0

1.3.1. Individuals

2. The Causes of Globalization

2.1. Outsourcing

2.1.1. Americans are losing their jobs because parts of companies are being shipped overseas for cheaper labor.

2.2. Offshoring

2.2.1. Companies are shipped competely overseas which causes many Americans to lose their jobs.

2.2.2. Becoming an adapter should be a main priority to us in American, in order for us to be on top again.

2.3. Insourcing

2.3.1. Keeps jobs in American and it helps with the economy.

2.4. Informing

2.4.1. Am example is the search engine Google.

2.4.2. This can be used to give facts, information, and details to someone in a matter of seconds.

2.5. Uploading

2.5.1. This is giving the general public the ability to collaborate, participate, and share with each other around the world.


2.6. End of Cold War

2.6.1. This represents the end of communist countries,which opened new trading opportunities with many different countries.


2.7. Workflow Software

2.7.1. Saves time on automating

2.7.2. This is able to be designed with any general language program.

2.8. Supply Chains

2.8.1. This is the networking of wholesalers, manufacturers, retailers and distributors who deliver finished goods and services to consumers.

2.8.2. Brings competitiveness such as having low prices compared to others and maintains a loyal customer bases.

2.9. "The Steriods"

2.9.1. These types of new technology enable us to have access to the internet anywhere at any time.

2.9.2. Communication with steriods has become cost efficient and very easy to have access to within minutes.

2.10. Internet

2.10.1. People are becoming so dependent on new technology.

2.10.2. Based from computers and cables, which is just a network of networks.

3. The Quiet Crisis

3.1. The Education Gap at the Bottom

3.1.1. We need to push our kids in the schools in order for us to stay ahead.

3.2. The Funding Gap

3.2.1. We aren't spending our money wisely

3.3. The Numbers Gap

3.3.1. There are more people in other countries doing all of our work, for less.

3.4. The Ambition Gap

3.4.1. The fact that we as Americans are working more at a social life rather than working to stay ahead.

3.5. The Education Gap at the Top

3.5.1. We aren't prepared enough to take over those jobs that people are retiring from

3.6. The Infrastructure Gap

3.6.1. The rest of the world is pushing ahead in technology while the United States is falling behind.

4. The New Middle Class

4.1. Collaborators and Orchestrators

4.1.1. To be able to come together and share ideas about something.

4.2. Sythesizers

4.2.1. Taking two unlike things and mashing them together.

4.3. Explainers

4.3.1. Someone who can take something very complex and make it simplier to understand.

4.4. Leveragers

4.5. Adapters

4.5.1. Preparing themselves for what's to come.

4.6. Green People

4.7. Passionate Personalizers

4.7.1. People take alot of pride in their job.

4.8. Math Lovers

4.8.1. Today and the years to come math will be a very strong part of your job.

4.9. Localizers

4.9.1. Many things are starting to become local.

5. How Companies Cope

5.1. Rule 1

5.1.1. When the world is flat, whatever can be done will be done. The only question is weather it will be done by you or to you. Don't let things be done to you because you can prevent it by getting out in the world and doing what can be done for yourself.

5.2. Rule 2

5.2.1. This is an outgrowth of rule #1. Because we are in a world where whatever can be done will be done, the most important competition today is between you and your own imagination. Have as big of an imagination as you want because our country allows for many of your imaginations to come true.

5.3. Rule 3

5.3.1. And the small shall act big...One way small companies flourish in the flat world is by learning to act really big. Imagination is neccessary, but not sufficient. You have to be able to implement what you imagine. And the kep to being small and acting big is being quick to take advantage of all the new tools for collaboration to reach farther, faster, wider, and deeper. Aramex is an example of a small company acting big because it is operated in only a few countries but it does shipments to many different countries around the world within a short time period.

5.4. Rule 4

5.4.1. And the big shall act small...One way that big companies learn to flourish in the flat world is by learning how to act really small by enabling their customers to act really big. Starbucks is a good example of a big company acting small because they allow for the customer to designg whatever drink it is that they wish to have. Which allows the customer to go crazy with the items they can add to the product they wish to buy.

5.5. Rule 5

5.5.1. The best companies are the best collaborators. In the flat world, more and more business will be done through collaborations within and between companies, for a very simple reason: The next layers of value creation-wheather in technology, marketing, biomedicine, or manfacturing-are becoming so complex that no single firm or department is going to be able to master them alone. Many companies work with each other because they can get the job done faster if they do what they are best at for one an other. When this happens and the job is done well all the companies succeed as different wholes.

5.6. Rule 6

5.6.1. In a flat world, the best companies stay healthy by getting regular chest X-rays and then selling the results to their clients. The healthy companies always make sure that their clients know what they are working on to improve as a whole so that the client becomes more satified with the company.

5.7. Rule 7

5.7.1. The best companies outsource to win, not to shrink. They outsource to innovate faster and more cheaply in order to grow larger, gain market share, and hire more and different specialists- not to save money by firing more people. The bigger companies outsoure so their worker can get done for a cheaper cost and a quicker time. They also do this because people over in other countries are not lazy and take their job very seriously which allows many of the people to very specialized in their job.

5.8. Rule 8

5.8.1. HOW you do things as a company matters more today than ever. Working as a whole company matters more then acting as individuals within a company. This matters more today because individuals need to come together so that the company can preform the services it needs to it's consumers.

5.9. Rule 9

5.9.1. When the world goes flat-and you are feeling flattened- reach for a shovel and dig inside yourself. Don't try to build walls. Digging inside yourself is the best thing to do when the world goes flat because you may have an idea that is so brilliant that no one else has even thought to have created. It could make you very rich.

6. The Triple Convergence

6.1. Late 1990's was when all the causes of Globalization 3.0 came together and started a new era.

6.2. India, China, and the Soviet Union started competing in the world.

6.3. Big businesses began to move horizontally.

6.4. Individuals and businesses had to begin picking up new habits,new information, and learning skills in order to compete in the flatting world.

7. The Great Sorting Out

7.1. Death of a Salesman

7.1.1. Technology is taking over what a salesman used to do so now they are not needed.

7.2. India vs. Indiana

7.2.1. It is alot cheaper to buy from India instead of American made products.

7.3. Multiple Identity Disorder

7.3.1. Buying from a place that has low prices might not be the best route to go, while a slightly higher priced place will be the better route.

7.4. From Command and Control to Collaborate and Collect

7.4.1. Technology is taking over the jobs of many people.

7.5. Who owns what?

7.5.1. What you think is yours isn't exactly yours.

7.6. Where do Companies Stop and Start?

7.6.1. Companies claim that products are American made when really they are being made for cheap in a different country.

8. America and The Flat World

8.1. American and the Free Trade

8.1.1. Produce knowledge workers who could create idea based products.

8.1.2. India and China are the main competition in the free trade.

9. The Right Stuff

9.1. The Right Brain

9.1.1. We American's need to use the right side of the brain (the more creative side) to stay ahead.

9.2. Tubas and Test Tubes

9.2.1. Jobs are looking for more collaberators, also meaning more rounded.

9.3. The Right Country

9.3.1. We have what it takes to thrive in a globalized world if we just try and apply what we have.

9.4. Navigation

9.4.1. We need to navigate the internet better so that we can do good in a globalized race.

9.5. CQ + PG > IQ

9.5.1. curiousity and passion are greater than Intellegance.

9.6. Stressing Liberal Arts

9.6.1. People need to be more well rounded and we educated in a little bit of everything.

9.7. Learning how to Learn

9.7.1. People need to learn new ways to do things and replace the old things.

10. Compassionate Flatism

10.1. Leadership

10.1.1. The politicians don't know as much as they say they do, and they need to get on it so we can thrive in a globalized world.

10.2. The "Muscles"

10.2.1. Muscles are replacing the fat and hopefully will lead to job being there for a long time.

10.3. Cushions

10.3.1. It's the good fat, things such as like wage insurance.

10.4. Social Activism

10.4.1. We should be motivating others to do the work that is needed to be done.

10.5. Parenting

10.5.1. We need to prepare the children of America to be able to not only help us in the race to be number one, but also to thrive in a globalized world.

11. The Unflat World

11.1. Too Frustrated

11.1.1. Some countries thrive for collaboration, others feel threatened, frustated and humiliated by the close contact.

11.1.2. Authoritarian governments deprive people of a voice in their own future as well as depriving millions of young people in opportunities to achieve their full potential through jobs and modern schhooling.

11.2. Too Many Toyotas

11.2.1. The business community is expanding largely because many companies are finding out that going green and clean can save money and it's also a competitive advantage.

11.2.2. The flattening world is making low-impact people become high-impact peopl with greater impacts than at any other time in history.

11.3. Too Sick

11.3.1. There are untouchables in rural parts of China, Africa, India, and Latin America. The people from these types of areas don't know what it is like to have a drink of clean water, they have never seen a toilet, they don't have baths, and not even proper articles of clothing.

11.3.2. The untouchables tend to be ragpickers, collies, and quarry laborers. The hope they have for themselves is so little because they are either too sick or their local governments are to broke for them to believe that they can advance forward with what dreams they may have.

11.4. Too Disempowered

11.4.1. The peopl that live inbetween the flat and unflat world live in the twilight zone.

11.4.2. The half flat are all of those other millions of people, particularly that live in rural India, China, and Eastern Europe. Those millions are close enough to see, touch, and occasionally benefit from the flat world but who aren't really living inside it themselves.

12. Dell Theory of Conflict

12.1. Israel vs. Iran

12.1.1. Iran does nothing in the world wide market. Israel is far more advantaged than Iran in technology of their military.

12.2. China vs. Taiwan

12.2.1. China is threatened to take over Taiwan. Even though Taiwan is a much better country than China in many different ways.

12.3. Pakistan vs. India

12.3.1. The main crisis is the Kashmir Crisis, which is over the territorial dispute of Kashmir. The reasons behind this dispute are religious affiliations of Kashmir people, The Partition of India in 1947, an rivers and tributaries along the Indus River basin.

12.4. North Korea vs. South Korea/ Japan/Everyone

12.4.1. North and South Korea are divided. North Korea is a communist government ran by Kim Jong II. In 2003, North Korea admitted they have nuclear weapons. They also threatened to start exporting nuclear materials if the US didn't meet along with them.