The course: Julian Barnes' Novels 2013/14

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The course: Julian Barnes' Novels 2013/14 by Mind Map: The course: Julian Barnes' Novels  2013/14

1. context and background

1.1. First World

1.2. Postmodernism

1.2.1. novel as a form

1.3. history and pomo

1.3.1. true vs. real What is real? novel and history artistic devices

1.3.2. Elias

1.3.3. Marx

1.3.4. the "pendulum"

1.3.5. J. Barnes

1.4. 1980-1998

2. writer and his work

2.1. novelist at a crossroads of experimentation and realism

2.2. Influences

2.3. concept of writing: neorealism vs. fabulation

2.3.1. irony and memory

2.3.2. Robert Scholes, Fabulation

2.3.3. David Lodge,The Novelist at the Crossroads

2.3.4. fabulation according to Barnes

2.4. genre as a signature

2.5. non-fictions

2.6. postmodernist?

2.6.1. modernism vs. postmodernism

2.7. Flaubert's Parrot

2.7.1. history and authorship

2.8. History of the World in 10 and 1/2 half Chapters

2.9. Flaubert

2.9.1. disilusionment, bourgeoisie exposing illusions

2.9.2. Barnes and Flaubert

2.10. Man Booker Prize

2.10.1. The Sense of an Ending

3. Course author/ teacher Nina Muždeka/ Mirna Radin Sabadoš

3.1. contact: [email protected]

3.2. office hours: Mon 16.30-17.30, Fri 12.00-12.45 ROOM 133

4. Course description:

4.1. two mid-terms 20

4.2. seminar paper 20

4.3. written exam 30

4.4. oral exam 30

4.5. Readings

5. the novels

5.1. Metroland 1980.

5.1.1. Rimbaud

5.1.2. Charles Baudelaire

5.1.3. flaneur

5.1.4. Épater la bourgeoisie

5.1.5. écrasez l'infâme"

5.2. Before She Met Me, 1982.

5.3. Staring at the Sun 1986.

5.4. Talking it Over 1991.

5.5. The Porcupine 1992.

5.6. England, England 1998.