Coaches' feedback and insights

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Coaches' feedback and insights by Mind Map: Coaches' feedback and insights

1. impact on coach's professional or personal development

1.1. Professional growth a coach:

1.1.1. - improved coaching effectiveness through the program

1.1.2. - enhanced active listening and comfort with silence

1.1.3. - researching how to support high-achievers - learned and tried new techniques with the student

1.1.4. - empowering coachee with disussion control

1.2. Mixed feedback: - saw no real change

2. coaching challenges

2.1. few challenges; smooth process

2.2. Adapting Coaching Methods

2.2.1. initially a bit unsure, adjusted approach over time

2.2.2. Started as mentor; stepped back as coachee gained confidence

2.2.3. Initially hard to help, provided advice/encouragement student needed more than coaching

2.2.4. Addressed coachee's complex challenges with Handbook strategies; more to go

2.3. challenge in time managent

2.3.1. Coachee took longer to grasp Gantt chart and meeting summary

2.3.2. Balancing coching with main job

2.3.3. Frustration with initiating meetings

2.4. Limited experience

2.4.1. No direct experience with coachee's struggles, difficulty in providing guidance

3. What do coaches like about the program?

3.1. Resource for students - improving confidence, ability to manage goals - helps with PhD progress

3.2. Rewarding experience: feeling of being a part of students' journey Unique professional relationship beyond traditional supervisor-candidate role Collaboration with coaches from across MQ

4. how to improve the GRCP

4.1. - change the 2-h presentation to coach practice - combine coach toolkit documents

4.2. - extended program, longer duration: 1-year, 3-year) - monthly coachee-coach meetings - be more flexible with the number of sessions - improve coach-coachee matching

4.3. - help coachees develop planning skills and targeted summaries - proactive coachees; have clear program expectations and goal setting