School Website
by Anas Raimi
1. Blog to Teach
1.1. 5. Get you student blogging
1.1.1. Class Blog?
1.1.2. Individual Blog?
1.2. 6. Share your lesson plan
1.2.1. plan
1.2.2. idea
1.2.3. fears
1.3. 7. Integrated multimedia
1.3.1. online video
1.3.2. presentation
1.3.3. podcasts
1.3.4. slideshows
1.4. 4. Replace newsletter
1.5. 8. Organize, organize everything
1.6. 9. Get feedback
1.6.1. Place to air issue
1.6.2. feedback student teachers
1.7. 10. Create a fully functional website
1.8. 1. Post materials and resources
1.9. 2. Host online discussion
1.10. 3. Create class publication
2. Website as a communication and educational tool
2.1. Student checking grades
2.2. Class assignment info
2.3. student act pages
2.4. teaching and learning
2.5. news about school
2.6. educational support
2.7. counseling
3. Domain Names + Hosting
4. Google Apps
5. Showcase Student's works
5.1. pictures
5.2. newsletter
5.3. video
5.4. audio
5.5. blog
5.6. podcast
6. Question
6.1. What is the best process for establishing a community based process
6.2. How can a website improce school-to-home communications
6.3. What value can a school website bring to the educational process
7. Dynamic interactive full timely of content
8. Staff and student to create and publish content to the site in a easy step
9. Learning is enhanced when parents and the commmunity are envolved in the education process
9.1. community based
9.2. involving as many shareholders
10. EXpress opinion openly and honestly is a brilliant way to get respond