Theories and Framework

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Theories and Framework by Mind Map: Theories and Framework


1.1. Developed by Dr.Rubin Puentedura

1.2. Demonstrates how the concept of teachnology can improve and strengthen the learning process.

1.3. Four levels of the SAMR model.

1.3.1. Substitution At this level Computer technology is used to perform the same task as was done before the use of computers. Enhancement

1.3.2. Augmentation Computer Technology offers an effective tool to perform common tasks. Enhancement

1.3.3. Modification This is the first step over the line between enhancing the traditional goings-on of the classroom and transforming the classroom. Common classroom tasks are being accomplished through the use of computer technology. Transformation

1.3.4. Redefintion Technology allows for new tasks that were previously impossible to achieve. Transformation

2. 21st Century learner, and Teachnology

2.1. A 21st century learner is a student's foundational knowledge that the student brings to the table.

2.2. Teachnology is a teachers personal beliefs and ideas about how technology can be integrated into a classroom to enhance the learning process.

2.3. 4 principles of Teachnology:

2.3.1. Assessment it is important that the teacher explains to students how they will be graded.

2.3.2. Reinforcement Adding technology should not just be a substitution for written work. It should enhance the lesson being taught.

2.3.3. Alignment adding substance to the lesson

2.3.4. Accessibilty how efficient and effective is the technology going to be for your students to use.


3.1. is a framework to understand and describe the kinds of knowledge needed by a teacher for effective pedagogical practice in a technology enhanced learning environment.

3.2. For the framework to be effective you must use these 3 ideas:

3.2.1. Technology Knowledge (TK)

3.2.2. Content Knowledge (CT)

3.2.3. Pedagogical Knowledge (PK)

3.3. TPACK is the combination of those 3 ideas. other combinations that can be made with these concepts can be (TCK), (TPK), (PCK).