Theories & Frameworks of Teaching

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Theories & Frameworks of Teaching by Mind Map: Theories & Frameworks of Teaching


1.1. Simply explores ways in which technology can be integrated into the teaching process, and how it effects student learning.

1.2. Provides a four- tiered organizational structure, which allows for classification and differentiation of the ways technology is utilized within the classroom.

1.2.1. The four tiers are subdivided into two separate groups, based on the impact technology has on the activity: Transformation Modification Redefinition Enhancement Substitution Augmentation


2.1. TPACK is a framework of teaching that focuses on the idea that teachers need three types of knowledge in order to be effective.

2.1.1. Content Knowledge of the material.

2.1.2. Pedagogy Knowledge of how to teach the material.

2.1.3. Technology Knowledge of how to effectively use technology in the classroom.

2.2. Basically a venn diagram that depicts how these three knowledges interact with one another, giving an instructor a sense of what method to use when teaching a certain subject.

2.3. Helps teachers reflect on their practice, and improve their teaching method.

2.3.1. Important for teachers to seriously look at technology, and examine how it can impact the learning experience of the students.

3. Philosophies of Technology

3.1. Similar to a Philosophy of Teaching

3.1.1. Basically an instructors philosophy pertaining to the use, and impact, that technology has on the classroom.

3.2. Does not have to be in a written form, but generally accompanies Philosophy of Teaching.

3.3. This generally changes over time, as different technologies are introduced, and adapted to be used within a classroom setting.

3.3.1. Not restricted to the classroom; includes an instructors professional development, use of online learning, etc.