Theories and Farmeworks

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Theories and Farmeworks создатель Mind Map: Theories and Farmeworks


1.1. How technology can be used and worked into all learning activities in the classroom

1.2. Substiutiton

1.2.1. Tech acts ad a direct tool substitute, with no functional change

1.3. Augmentation

1.3.1. Tech acts as a direct tool substitute, with functional improvement

1.4. Modification

1.4.1. Tech allows for significant task redesign

1.5. Redefinition

1.5.1. Tech allows for the creation of new tasks, previously inconceivable

2. Philosophy of Teachnology

2.1. Along the same lines as a teacher philosophy of teaching.

2.2. Can be written down and updated over time (in a PLN or other written forms)

2.3. Makes teachers ask the question "How can I use technology in the class room as a tool?"


3.1. A good teacher will have 3 kinds of knowledge

3.1.1. Technology

3.1.2. Content

3.1.3. Pedagogy

3.2. TPACK is where the 3 types of knowledge (Technology, Content, and Pedagogy all come together and a teacher can use them to know what technology to use (and how to use it) and present it to a way in to their students that improves the learning experience and also in a pedagogy sound manner.

4. 21st Century Learning

4.1. Based on three types of knowledge

4.1.1. Meta Ideas like creativity and problem solving fall under meta knowledge

4.1.2. Foundational Digital literacy is an example of Foundational knowledge

4.1.3. Humanistic Life and job skills as well as ethics would be an example of Humanistic knowledge

4.1.4. A method of discovering what students in the 21st century world need to be successful.