Energy and change

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Energy and change by Mind Map: Energy and change

1. Types of Energy

1.1. 1. Kinetic Energy : Energy of motion). Example: A moving car or running.

1.1.1. 3. Thermal Energy: Energy that comes from the temperature of matter. Example: heat from stove . 5. Nuclear Energy: Energy stored in the nucleus of atoms. Example: energy stored from the sun or nuclear power plants.

1.1.2. 4. Chemical Energy: Energy stored in the bonds of chemical compounds. Example: batteries or food.

1.2. 2. Potential Energy: stored energy based on position. Example: water stored in a dam.

2. Energy Transformation: the process of changing energy from one form to another.


2.1.1. Law of conservation of energy: energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed. Example: when riding a bicycle downhill, potential energy turns into kinetic energy. FORMS OF ENERGY USE Renewable energy sources