Constructing Personal Learning Environments through ICT-Mediated Foreign Language Instruction

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Constructing Personal Learning Environments through ICT-Mediated Foreign Language Instruction by Mind Map: Constructing Personal Learning Environments through ICT-Mediated Foreign Language Instruction

1. Introduction

1.1. skills and human capital

1.1.1. Backbone of modern progress and the economic well-being of a country.

1.2. technological advances

1.2.1. The teaching of foreign languages in non-linguistic higher education institutions is no exception and demands substantial changes in the learning and teaching paradigm under a "strong digital technological influence".

1.3. quality education

1.3.1. that complies with modern global trends regarding the extensive use of digital media.

2. PLEs in Foreign Language Education

2.1. Teacher Support in PLE Design

2.1.1. Overview of effective ICT use. Incorporation of Web 2.0 tools and services. Preparation for future employment.

2.2. Student autonomy

2.2.1. Personal learning suggests the autonomy and increased responsibility of students with their active participation "in the learning process by making decisions about how to search, where to search," and the necessary content to meet learning objectives.

2.3. Learning strategies

2.3.1. Structured connections for appropriate resources. Context of language use. Personalization to the student's needs and abilities.

2.4. ICT tools

2.4.1. Institutional Platforms: Moodle, digital repositories Collaboration Tools: Videoconferencing, instant messaging Open Educational Resources: Online dictionaries, podcasts, wikis

2.5. Personalization

2.5.1. Learning beyond formal education. Communities of practice. Personal networks. Work-related tasks.

3. PLE and ICT in Foreign Language Learning

3.1. Benefits of Personal Learning Environments (PLEs)

3.1.1. o Enhances student motivation. o Improves learning outcomes. o Facilitates progress in foreign language learning.

3.2. Student Autonomy

3.2.1. o Definition of learning strategies. o Use of printed and online sources. o Freedom to choose what, where, and when to learn.

3.3. Use of Technology in Education (ICT)

3.3.1. o Inevitability of technology in modern education. o Youth familiarity with technology. o Application of technology to engage with authentic foreign language materials.

3.4. Creating Personal Learning Environments

3.4.1. o Based on prior knowledge and cognitive resources. o Utilizes customized tools, forms, and materials.

3.5. Diversity in Learning

3.5.1. o Different learning paces. o Varied attitudes, backgrounds, and skills. o Diverse levels of knowledge in foreign languages.

4. Characteristics of the Modern Educational World and ICT

4.1. Characteristics of Modern Students

4.1.1. o Social: Preference for group activities o Inclination to discover, explore, experiment, and critically analyze o Preference for “doing” rather than “listening” o Student-centered learning o Interdisciplinary and project-based work o Learning connected to reality o Recognition of multiple intelligences and different learning styles o Comprehensive, lifelong, and meaningful learning

4.2. Student Autonomy and Technology

4.2.1. • Choice of learning material format (text, audio, video). • Building self-directed learning paths. • Integration of formal and informal learning experiences.

4.3. Applications and Technology Tools

4.3.1. • Linguistic tools and those related to the field. • Resources for cooperation. • Free online platforms and foreign language courses.

4.4. Influence of Technology in Foreign Language Learning

4.4.1. • Enrichment of formal and informal learning environments. • Availability of authentic materials in the target language. • Usefulness of technology in classes outside the destination country.

4.5. Implications for Classroom Activities

4.5.1. o Replacement or enrichment of classroom activities with online learning experiences o Varying degrees of interaction or independent study and learning o Remodeling higher education through content delivery.