Designining for Everyone
by Aja Lloyd
1. Learning Theories
1.1. Behaviorism
1.2. Cognitive Load
1.3. Constructivism
1.4. Humanism
1.5. Connectivism
2. Models
2.1. ADDIE
2.2. 4C/ID
2.3. AGILE
2.4. SAM
2.5. Kemp
2.6. Merrill's First Priniciples of Instruction
2.7. Gagne's Nine Events of Instruction
2.8. Kirkpatrick
2.9. Bloom's Taxonomy
2.10. Keller's Arcs
2.11. CSID
3. Collaboration Theories
3.1. CoP
3.2. CoI
3.3. Moore's Interaction
3.4. Social Learning Theory
3.5. Sociocultural Theory
4. Motivation Theories
4.1. Expectancy-Value
4.2. Self-Efficacy
4.3. Goals
4.4. Goals Orientation
4.5. Attribution
4.6. Self-Determination
4.7. Individual Interest
4.8. Situational Interest