BM team

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BM team by Mind Map: BM  team

1. Monthly report

1.1. Aollowance claim report-COT MOM, Staff qualification CQAS P-card Expense report. Term labour BM Monthly report. Daily Summary Quarter Safety Inspection / Briefing MinorContractWork&Repair9103060 Sick Leave Report Prepare F1 Report Training nomination C&R Work Wish List Issue BPA Item and GRN

2. MTR colleague

2.1. MTR Connects > Shenzhen Hangzhou Beijing Sweden United Kingdom Australia China Property Macao NP360

3. System

3.1. HKTS>OK Mall - Knowledge Map *ESS *MRC *DMS *MyHR *MTR connects *iShare

4. Operation

4.1. HK Transport Services *Infrastructure Maintenance Department * Commercial Department Marketing & Customer Experience Department * Marketing & Revenue Management Department * Operations Engineering Departments * Operations Performance and Services Management Department * Operations Safety & Quality Department * Projects Planning and Development Department (Operations) * Railway Segments (Operating Department) * Rolling Stock Maintenance Department * Technical & Engineering Services Department * Works Management Office

5. Asset

5.1. Asset Corner

6. Drawing

6.1. DMS

7. Purchase & Material

7.1. P&CD> P-card, SRC, BPA, Single tender

8. PM/CM

8.1. Objective - achieve the extension to 50/60-yrs target lives in general through regular PM, CM and C&R Works

8.2. People- Planning, Operation,

8.3. Loction - Station Box and Ancillary.

8.4. Time- AMS 057 for the control of ROC of overdue PM / CM

8.5. System of Railassure and EAMS

9. Project

9.1. Objective- ALA Plan, SPS, OPEM

9.2. People- OPJD, MET, OWP

9.3. Time- schedule C&R work and

9.4. System -EAMS, Asset corner and Asset management manual

10. Training

10.1. MTR portal: My Learning , CQAS, SKill Gate, External training, OTD Corporate Initiatives

11. Safety

11.1. Corporate Safety HKTS-OK mall>S&Q>RSR,

12. MET / C&R

12.1. FMS -BF > MC Tang (M20)

12.2. P&CD

12.3. C&R Work Wish list

13. Inventory

13.1. Artwork, Cat ladder, Confine space, Fall arrestor, flood door/board, PGF, Sampling point of discharge, sanitary fitting, Underground drawing, DWG of ABWF and P&D

14. EAMS

14.1. Enterprise Asset Management System >A comprehensive digital platform to realize Asset Management digitalization in HKTS. To help you get prepared, we have created a series of informative posters that can be displayed on notice boards for raising staff awareness