Successful Project Delivery

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Successful Project Delivery by Mind Map: Successful Project Delivery

1. 6. Health & Safety

1.1. 6a. Hazard Identification

1.2. 6b. Health & Safety Plan and Implementation

1.3. 6c. OSHA & Internal Safety Audits

2. 7. Project Management Soft Skills

2.1. 7a. Internal Relationships

2.1.1. Culture

2.2. 7b. External/Client Relationships

2.3. 7c. Leadership

3. 1. Initiation

3.1. 1a. Team Understanding

3.2. 1b. Contracts

3.3. 1c. Risk Management

4. 2. Planning

4.1. 2a. Scope of Work

4.2. 2b. Work Breakdown Structure and Network Diagram

4.3. 2c. Budget Estimation

5. 3. Execution

5.1. 3a. Quality Management System

5.1.1. Quality Assurance

5.1.2. Quality Control

5.2. 3b. Status Reports

5.3. 3c. Project Execution Plan

6. 4. Monitor/Control

6.1. 4a. Performance Measurement (EVM)

6.2. 4b. Scope Creep

6.3. 4c. Change/Configuration Control

7. 5. Closeout

7.1. 5a. Deliverables

7.2. 5b. Documentation

7.3. 5c. Lessons Learned