Moving to a different country Checklist

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Moving to a different country Checklist by Mind Map: Moving to a different country Checklist

1. Living & Working

1.1. Temporary accomodation

1.2. Housing

1.3. Work

1.4. Transportation

1.4.1. Public

1.4.2. Old car

1.4.3. New car

1.5. Bank Account

1.6. Phone, Internet

1.7. Language

2. The Move

2.1. Moving company

2.1.1. Contract

2.1.2. Custom forms

2.2. Airfright shipment

2.3. What to carry yourself

2.4. Shipping your car

2.5. Flight

2.5.1. Tickets

2.5.2. Insurance

2.6. Further transportation

3. Bureaucracy

3.1. Insurance

3.2. Taxes

3.3. Forms

3.3.1. Residential registration form

3.3.2. Working permit

3.4. Documents

3.4.1. Passport

3.4.2. Birth certificate

3.4.3. Marriage certificate

3.4.4. Divorce papers

3.4.5. Certificate of adoption

3.4.6. Child custody papers

3.4.7. School records

3.4.8. Driver's licence

3.4.9. Medical records

3.4.10. Insurance policies

3.4.11. Travel documents

3.4.12. Visa

3.4.13. Custom forms Pets Household goods Airfright shipment

3.4.14. Legal documents Will Income tax records ...

3.4.15. Translations

4. Other

4.1. Health

4.1.1. Immunizations

4.1.2. Health certificates for pets

4.1.3. Medication

4.1.4. Contact lenses, glasses

4.2. Cancellations

4.2.1. Stop deliveries and subscriptions Newspaper

4.2.2. Cancel local memberships Gym Library

4.2.3. Cancel services Phone Internet

4.2.4. Fill out forwarding request for your mail

4.3. Change of address notifications

4.3.1. To any accounts you want to keep

4.3.2. Friends and Family

4.3.3. Child's school

4.4. Technology

4.4.1. Check whether your appliances will work in the destination country

4.4.2. Buy transformers for different voltages

4.5. What you can't take with you

4.5.1. Sell (garage sale, flee-market, online)

4.5.2. Store in a storing facility