Parkhurst Primary soccer tournament.

Caleb Brown

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Parkhurst Primary soccer tournament. by Mind Map: Parkhurst Primary soccer tournament.

1. DATE:

1.1. Last week of School, as it gives learners a reason to attend.

1.1.1. 20 minutes a game

1.1.2. 10 mins a half

1.1.3. 11 a side.

2. Tournament Format

2.1. How it will go:

2.1.1. Intermediate Phase tournament/ Grade tournament, e.g. Grade 4A vs. All 3 Grade 4 classes. The team with the most points, wins. For Grades 4-7

2.1.2. Accolades Player of the tournament Top goal scorer Tournament Winners

3. Learning Objective

3.1. Collaboration & Teamwork.

4. Educators Involved

4.1. Sports Commitee

4.1.1. Referees

4.2. Class Teachers/ Coaches

5. Additional Information

5.1. Venue: Parkhurst Primary School

5.2. Big fields / Big Poles

5.3. Parents can be involved through sponsorships.

5.4. Each class selects a colour for their soccer kit.