Moving overseas

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Moving overseas by Mind Map: Moving overseas

1. [Temporarily non-resident only](

1.1. Possible tax charges in year of return

1.2. Impact on (deemed) domicile status if previously long-term resident

2. [Remittance basis whilst continuing UK residence](

2.1. Non-UK domiciles only

2.1.1. Foreign income and gains

2.1.2. Avoiding mixed funds

2.1.3. Overseas workday relief

3. [Domicile](

3.1. Consider local overseas rules as to domicile and related wealth taxes

3.2. Acquire overseas domicile of choice?

3.3. Retain UK domicile

4. [Not resident for the tax year (under the general SRT)?](

4.1. Client's final day of UK residence on 5 April in the immediately preceding tax year

5. [Tax planning prior to, or post, cessation of UK residence](

5.1. Accelerate/defer income and/or gains

6. [Remains resident for the full tax year (under the general SRT)?](

6.1. ['Split year' rules override?](

6.1.1. Ceasing to have a UK home

6.1.2. Partner of someone starting full time work overseas

6.1.3. Starting full time work overseas