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Pensions by Mind Map: Pensions

1. [Employer-funded pension advice](

2. [Accessing pension savings](

2.1. The 25% rule

2.2. Purchasing an annuity

2.3. Flexi-access drawdown

2.4. Uncrystallised funds lump sum

2.5. Deferral

2.6. Money purchase annual allowance

2.7. Accessing smaller pension pots

3. [Advising the client](

4. [Other forms of saving for retirement](

5. [State provision](

5.1. The single-tier pension

5.2. Voluntary NICs

5.3. State pension age

5.4. Deferring state pension

5.5. The pension credit

6. [Pension saving](

6.1. Tax relief for pension contributions

6.2. Annual allowance

6.3. Lifetime allowance

6.4. Auto enrolment

6.5. Method of tax relief

6.6. Salary scarifice

6.7. Employer-financed retirement benefit schemes

6.8. Refunds of contributions

7. [What happens to a pension on death?](

7.1. State pension

7.2. Other pension savings

8. [What happens to a pension on divorce?](

8.1. State pension

8.2. Other pensions

8.2.1. Pension debits

8.2.2. Pension credits