Kenjie Flores Taclob

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Kenjie Flores Taclob by Mind Map: Kenjie Flores Taclob

1. Personality

1.1. Loner

1.2. Silent

1.3. Tempered(At times)

1.4. Helpful

1.5. Responsible

2. Interest

2.1. Computer Programming

2.2. Science(Astronomy)

2.3. Engineering

2.4. Blue colours

2.5. Food

2.5.1. Chinese

2.5.2. Japanese

2.5.3. Italian

3. Info

3.1. Race: Filipino

3.2. Birthday: Sept 17 1993

3.3. Age: 16

4. Dream Girl

4.1. Quiet

4.2. Humble

4.3. Pretty

4.4. Kind

5. Hobbies

5.1. Sports

5.1.1. Bowling

5.1.2. Basketball

5.1.3. Badminton

5.1.4. Frisbee

5.1.5. Dodge Ball

5.2. Others

5.2.1. Photography

5.2.2. Computer Gaming

5.2.3. Watching Science Discovery

6. Dreams

6.1. Job

6.1.1. Computer Engineer

6.1.2. Chemical Engineering

6.2. Country to live in

6.2.1. Canada

6.2.2. London

6.2.3. Australia