Cal Reynolds

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Cal Reynolds by Mind Map: Cal Reynolds

1. Experience with Assessment and Differentiation

1.1. Assessments

1.1.1. Benchmark

1.1.2. Formative

1.1.3. Summative

1.2. Differentiation

1.2.1. Small Groups

1.2.2. Scaffolding

2. Professional Background

2.1. Martinez Elementary School

2.1.1. 5 years teaching 2nd grade

2.1.2. 2 years teaching 5th grade

3. Academic Background

3.1. Graduated High School in 2004

3.2. Graduated from University of Phoenix in 2018.

3.3. Augusta University Graduate School.

4. 5th Grade Math and Science

5. Interesting Fact about me

5.1. Culinary School Graduate

6. Mind Mapping in the classroom

6.1. STEM Certified School