Two Types of letters

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Two Types of letters by Mind Map: Two Types of letters

1. Specifically dictated

1.1. Open phone

1.1.1. ios and 2 android

1.1.2. One app

1.1.3. Secured storage and not on phone

1.2. Say what they want to say

1.3. Formatted into letter

1.4. Sent to someone for review.

1.5. Print two copies

1.5.1. One standard to chart

1.5.2. One on letter head with nicer paper To mail

2. Form Letters (What happened in clinic) - Moving toward similar chart

2.1. Lasic

2.2. PRK

2.3. Smile

2.4. Cornial Cross Linking

2.5. Cataract

2.6. ICL

2.7. YAG