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KiteRunner by Mind Map: KiteRunner

1. Irony

1.1. situational

1.1.1. verbal dramatic

2. Allegory

2.1. Assault of Hassan=Treatment of Afghanistan by oppressors

3. Symbolism

3.1. Pomegranite Tree

3.1.1. kites

4. Theme

4.1. "You can be good again."

5. Foreshadowing

5.1. Hassan's slingshot: One eyed Assef

6. Setting

6.1. Afghanistan

6.1.1. America

7. Characters

7.1. Amir

7.1.1. Hassan Baba Ali

8. Plot

8.1. Childhood in Afghanistan

8.1.1. Adult life in America Return to Afghanistan

9. Conflicts

9.1. Amir and Baba

9.1.1. Amir and self Assef and Amir