Determining entities in scope for DTT and MNTT

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Determining entities in scope for DTT and MNTT создатель Mind Map: Determining entities in scope for DTT and MNTT

1. [Excluded entities](

1.1. Governmental Entities

1.2. International Organisations

1.3. Non-profit Organisations

1.4. Pension Funds

1.5. Investment funds

1.6. Real Estate Investment Vehicles

2. [Revenue threshold](

2.1. €750m in two of four preceding years

2.2. Entities held for sale not included in threshold

2.3. Determined by reference to consolidated f.s.

2.4. CbCR followed

3. [Consolidated group](

3.1. What is a consolidated group?

3.2. Consolidated financial statements

3.3. Deemed consolidations

3.4. PE's are distinct entities

4. [What are DTT and MNTT?](

4.1. DTT - Domestic Top-up Tax

4.2. MNTT - Multinational Top-up Tax

5. [UK parented groups](

5.1. Is the group subject to MNTT?

5.2. Which group entities are subject to MNTT?

5.3. Is the group subject to DTT?

6. [UK PE of foreign entity](

7. [Non-UK parented groups](

7.1. Are UK entities subject to DTT?

7.2. Is MNTT payable?

8. [Entities that must be included](

8.1. Entities excluded from consolidation

8.2. Joint Ventures

8.3. Entities joining and leaving a group