ICT and educational leadership beyond management

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ICT and educational leadership beyond management by Mind Map: ICT  and educational leadership beyond management

1. School leadership

1.1. educational values

1.2. moral values

1.3. professional principal

1.4. include many subjects

1.4.1. cultural subject

1.4.2. sociological subject

1.4.3. historical subject

1.4.4. technical subject

1.5. who is leadership

1.5.1. governor as leadership

1.5.2. headteacher as leadership

1.6. the role of leaders in shaping and using organizational culture

1.6.1. planners

1.6.2. goads

1.6.3. problem finders

1.6.4. powerful actors

1.6.5. the politicized roles of "idea champions" and "gatekeepers" were critical

1.7. the agency of teachers in the change process

1.7.1. teachers as change leaders

1.8. the importance of leadership in knowledge use

1.8.1. learning organizaiton

1.8.2. moving beyond an examination of the role of principals as transformational leaders

2. Management