Increase 7th and 8th Grade Student Math Proficiency
by Matthew Crosswhite
1. Collaboration Plan
1.1. Organize a schedule to allow an elective class time (math lab) to be created in feeder and current schools
1.1.1. Yearly schedule planning
1.1.2. What has worked?
2. Communication Plan
2.1. Social media (progress); email (implementation)
2.1.1. Facebook
2.1.2. Home notes
3. Budget Needs
3.1. Math trainings; effective teaching; observations; workbooks; digital programs; rewards; feild trips
3.1.1. AMSTI
3.1.2. District Speakers
3.1.3. IXL; Mountain Math
3.1.4. Math fields of study
4. Feeder Schools Inclusion Plan
4.1. Meet with feeder school teachers to discuss topics/areas of interest, collaboration, strategies
4.1.1. Zoom Meetings
4.1.2. County PD days
4.1.3. Areas feeders are overlooking
4.1.4. Strategies elementary students respond well to
5. Data & Stakeholders
5.1. Years of past math ACAP data will be compared to the most recent; monthly progress checked for efficiency; shared via social media
5.1.1. Longitudinal data back to 2018
5.1.2. Track individual classes yearly progress
5.1.3. Share gains; encourging posts
6. Professional Development
6.1. Math trainings; effective teaching; observations
6.1.1. AMSTI
6.1.2. District Speakers
6.1.3. Student study skills
7. Communication Plan
7.1. Math tutoring possibilities; field trips for progress, rewards, duty free lunch
7.1.1. Parent tutors?
7.1.2. Industry; business
7.1.3. Pizza; Bowling; Movie
7.1.4. Free lunch period for collaboration