Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment

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Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment por Mind Map: Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment

1. Qn 4: What Challenges might come our way? How to deal with them?

1.1. rigorous Alternative Assessment that is recognised as a benchmark

1.2. Internationally recognised Assessment mode that is still by & large pen-paper based

1.2.1. Parent recently called and complained that her son not used to pen and paper assessment after frequent uses of Macbook for assessment

1.3. Convincing all stakeholders to be forward looking and not stick to old modes eg. 'O' level of assessment.

1.4. For LSS, more alternative assessment could be in place. These would decrease as they move up the levels

2. Qn 3: What is missing for this Situation so far?

2.1. try to incorporate more structured questions that resemble Section B and Section C Questions in O Levels exam papers.

2.2. Effective AFL

2.3. Assessment that supports learning

2.3.1. Rigorous Rubrics must be in place

2.4. Components of students self assessment

2.5. Pupils AND staff have a misplaced perception of PE

3. Qn 2: What can be done to improve the current situation?

3.1. creation of viable rubrics

3.2. Set clear guidelines and expectations (PE)

3.3. Assessment Rubrics is not tie in to O Levels

4. Qn 1 What Have we done in this area?

4.1. online MCQ quizes

4.2. Prepare the pupils to undertake the National Testing Standards (NAPFA)

4.2.1. NIke IPE

4.3. e-learning exercise participation is graded - taken as 1 class test

5. Assessment

6. Q3: In your opinion, what do you think is missing from this situation so far?

6.1. ICT is to be used as a means to enhance learning anchored upon sound pedagogy.

6.2. To introduce measures to motivate the participants to last the duration of the project (iPE)

7. Qn 4: What Challenges might come our way? How to deal with them?

7.1. A ability for teacher to monitor their learning.

7.2. Time constraint - participants not able to devote time to the project because of other interests/commitments (iPE)

7.2.1. To structure the duration of the project into the time-table (iPE)

7.3. Development of teacher competencies

7.4. how to direct them to be a self-directed learner?

7.4.1. To create more opportunities for students to be more confident.

7.5. Reluctance of teachers

7.6. Transforming teachers to facilitators

7.7. Constructive learning taking place?

8. Q1: What have we done in this area?

8.1. Ubd-IBL-ICT-FMS lesson package

8.2. Collaborative and Constructive learning by viewing Online Experiments (Chia KP video)

8.3. Viewing experiments such as pendulum experiments online and filling in the worksheets outside of classroom.

8.4. Implementation of iPE Project

8.5. Inquiry learning through use of ICT (i.e. online streaming videos)

9. Q2: What can be done to improve the current situation?

9.1. To implement a more structured approach in monitoring the progress of the project (iPE)

9.2. Appropriate assessment modes - eg. use of rubrics

9.3. Teacher can facilitate students to help them construct their own learning

9.4. More support in terms of classroom management

9.4.1. Effective ARD to monitor learning Retraining required

10. Q3: In your opinion, what do you think is missing from this situation so far?

10.1. difficulty to draw diagrams and write equations

10.2. We can maximise the use of Individual Lesson Plan so its more student directed learning.

10.3. The presentation of learning materials to students is passive (powerpoint etc). Need more interactive aspects like java animation contained in learning.

10.4. We can create more opportunities to let students practice Chinese oral skills

11. Q1: What have we done in this area?

11.1. Forum Discussion

11.1.1. Content analysis of asynchronous discussion forum

11.2. youtube videos harnessed to trigger and enhance student learning

11.3. uploading of podcasts and powerpoint notes online

11.4. Multimedia Worksheets on Studywiz

11.5. Advertisement

11.5.1. EL

11.5.2. Ch

11.6. Online dictionary

11.7. Use of online Math portal

11.7.1. HeyMath

11.7.2. AceLearning

11.8. Delivering Speeches

11.9. Blogger

11.10. Mind-mapping e.g. Mindnodes, c-map, Mindmeister

11.11. Studywiz

11.12. Flash Animation - Xtranormal

11.13. Use of Wiki e.g. Wetpaint

11.14. Use of digital textbook

11.15. Knowledge Forum - asynchronous discussion forum

11.16. Creation of physics digital videos for internet streaming

12. Curriculum

12.1. Q2: What can be done to improve the current situation?

12.1.1. AED for resource-gathering

12.1.2. Consolidation Can the same thing be done in other dep? Sharing & review

12.1.3. Teachers need to spend MUCH MORE time and effort to plan lessons that incorporate ICT in lessons without compromising syllabus requirements

12.2. Qn 4: What Challenges might come our way? How to deal with them?

12.2.1. We must anticipate the oncoming of School Based Curriculum and explore how to close the gap between syllabus and the relevant enabling ICT technology

12.2.2. Some subjects require paper-and pen practice. How to ensure good results?

12.2.3. Conducting ICT lessons may take up more periods - how to find enough time to finish syllabus? Learning beyond classroom

12.2.4. Convincing teachers that use of ICT will not compromise results i.e. getting teachers to buy in

13. Pedagogy