1. Suggested Launch Countries (based on immigration to Spain)
1.1. Wave 1: Colombia, Venezuela and Pery
1.2. Wave 2: Argentina, Ecuador and Chile
2. Additional Revenue Generation Streams
2.1. Additional Loans (above 2k EUR)
2.2. Data sharing api (for other institutions)
2.3. Referrals for Insurance, Banks, other Financial Institutions
2.4. Debit cards
3. Money Disbursal
3.1. Bizum
3.2. Bank transfer
3.2.1. Spanish banks
3.2.2. Neobanks
4. Billing innitiatives
4.1. popups
4.2. emails
4.3. sms
4.4. phone calls
5. Benchmarks
5.1. M-Kopa (Kenya)
5.2. LenddoEFL
5.3. Tala.co
5.4. Branch.co
6. Regulatory Environment
6.1. Check Spanish / EU law for microloands
6.2. Key Stakeholders
7. Credit Concession Model
7.1. Demographics
7.2. Home Country
7.2.1. Bureaus Data
7.2.2. Bills
7.2.3. Statements
7.2.4. Possessions
7.3. Spanish available Data
7.3.1. Bills
7.3.2. Empadronamento
7.3.3. Bank Statements
7.3.4. Employment related
7.4. Previous Activity
7.4.1. Behaviour Score
7.5. Established models
7.5.1. FICO Score (Fair Isaac Corporation)
7.5.2. VantageScore
7.5.3. MachineLearning Based Modelling
7.6. Microloans especific models
7.6.1. Psycometric Scoring
7.6.2. Alternative Data Models Mobile Phone Data Utility and Rent Payments Ecommerce Actity
8. Partnership with Bureaus
8.1. Colombia
8.1.1. Datacredito
8.1.2. CIFIN
8.1.3. Procredito
8.2. Venezuela
8.2.1. CEVEN
8.2.2. SICRIS
8.2.3. TuCredito
8.3. Peru
8.3.1. Equifax Peru
8.3.2. Sentinel
8.3.3. Xchange
8.4. Argentina
8.4.1. Veraz
8.4.2. Nosis
8.4.3. Fidelitas
8.5. Ecuador
8.5.1. Equifax Ecuador
8.5.2. Buró de Credito
8.5.3. Centrales de Riesgo
8.6. Chile
8.6.1. Equifax Chile
8.6.2. DICOM
9. Risks
9.1. Funding
9.1.1. Not enough
9.2. Bad Debt
9.2.1. Wrong models
9.3. Fraud
9.3.1. Registration
9.3.2. Loan Applications
9.4. Economics
9.4.1. Wrong BC
9.5. Technical Infrastructure
9.5.1. Bugs
9.5.2. Excessive demand
9.5.3. Security
10. Fraud Protection
10.1. App Registration & Login
10.1.1. Document validation Auomated documents review Resistant.ai Veriff Onfido Human validation (in the beginning)
10.1.2. Biometric validation
10.1.3. Multi factor authentication
10.2. Credit Bureau Integration
10.3. Advanced Analytics
10.3.1. Machine Learning Suspicious Applications
10.3.2. Behavioural Suspicious IPs (outside of Spain) Automated filling (bots)
10.4. Audit and Review
10.4.1. Regular Review data Review processes
10.4.2. Post Loan Review approved loan applications for improvements in future screening
11. Storytelling
11.1. Muhammad Yunus
11.1.1. Bangladesh
11.1.2. 1980s
11.1.3. Nobel Prize
11.2. Immigration numbers to Spain
11.2.1. ine.es