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My Biases создатель Mind Map: My Biases

1. In- group bias

1.1. Familial teachings

1.1.1. Famlies are the first things that we learn things from even at a early age. Parents could purposefully or accidentally teach children to turst certai people or grpups more and this develops more as they become adults.

1.2. Media influence

1.2.1. Social media could influence and affirm peoples in grpup bias. You are in control of what you watch so if you choose things that alogn with your bias it will strengthen

1.3. societal influence

1.3.1. The structure of society may also affirm peoples in group bias espically when it comes to norms and socioeconimic status. This can promote certain groups to be superior

1.4. Impact

1.4.1. Bullying, suicide

2. Culture bias

2.1. Familial teachings

2.1.1. People often view their own culture as the "correct" one just because that is what they are used to and what they were taught.

2.2. Media influence

2.2.1. Every media outlet is diffrent they may favor one culture with stories and news that is published.

2.3. societal influence

2.3.1. Society may make fun of or also favor one culture and make the others look bad.

2.4. Impact

2.4.1. People not staying true to themseves

3. Age bias

3.1. Familial teachings

3.1.1. Some children are not really taught to respect elders so they may not value them

3.2. Media influence

3.2.1. Social media often potrays being young and beautiful as the only thing that is good

3.3. societal influence

3.3.1. Things like age restrictions on a number of things could often be discuraging for younger people but it us usually all foe a reason.

3.4. Impact

3.4.1. fake identification, lying about age, Trying hard to look younger or older.